Our Services
NICC is committed to guide you to the right professionals based on your claims. Our services have been tailored to only connect with the nations top Law/ Medical professionals. We pride ourselves in our excellent customer service and care to your case. From Auto Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful death, slip & fall & Product liability case. Don't wait any longer! NICC is here for you!
Auto Accidents
Being Involved in an accident can cause some serious traumatic injuries. From an 18 wheeler accident to a “minor” fender bender. Studies have shown that with a simple impact as low as 5 mph can cause some serious/ permanent injuries. Don’t wait until weeks-months pass by. Our team is here and ready to guide you to the best medical care and professionals ready to ensure that your recovery is our number one priority.
Workers compensation
Work injuries are no different from an auto accident and should be taken seriously. From a fall to a major incident you are not liable for these incidents. From oil field, construction, to warehouse incidents all need to be treated and diagnosed properly. Our team is here ready to assist you!
Slip & Fall
Slip and falls can happen to anyone from a simple trip to the grocery store. Failure to notify a spill on the floor can be very dangerous causing a person to slip & fall. Most importantly the injuries that come with it. We see this happen to many times and major companies need to ensure that the safety of the consumer is always a priority. From objects falling on customers to falling on unwarned floors our team is here ready to assist you.
Wrongful Death
Wrongful deaths is not an easy process to deal with alone. We understand that no compensation is worth the memories and company of a loved one. Thats why we take these situations serious. Due to someone’s negligence a loved one is no longer present. Our team is here and ready to assist you making sure the party responsible is held accountable. From an auto accident, medical malpractice, aviation accident, and much more.
Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice is a field in which we have carefully reviewed and trusted with the best legal teams in your area. When it comes to medical malpractice you may be wondering what falls under this field. From being Misdiagnosed failing to diagnose an illness is a common mistake. To surgical errors, failure to treat, and prescription drug errors fall under medical malpractice. If you or a loved one feel like you have been in any of these situations our team is ready to assist.
Product liability
Have you been a victim of a product? You may be entitled to a compensation. From 3M lawsuits, automobile defects, tobacco products, defective products our team is here and ready to assist you.
What Our Clients Say